Sunday, January 29, 2012



This appetizer makes me think my favorite girlfriends -  Jill, Lauren and Kristen. Whenever I make this I am reminded of our countless dinner parties over the years. This appetizer is relatively inexpensive, makes a large amount, and is big on bold flavors!

Moroccan Zaalouk Recipe - Cooked Eggplant and Tomato Salad


1 large eggplant - peeled and chopped.
4 large tomatoes - peeled and chopped
1 cup tomato paste
3 clove garlic, minced or pressed
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp ground cumin (i love cumin, it's a staple spice)
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup water
lemon wedges

Place all ingredients but lemon in a large pot and mix.
Don't be alarmed by the quantity, it will reduce.
Cover the pot and bring to fast simmer, medium high heat.
Cook, covered for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally until eggplant tender.
Mash cooked eggplant and tomatoes with large spoon and add lemon juice.
Continue cooking - now uncovered to reduce liquids (up to 30 more minutes)
Stir frequently and adjust the heat to keep from burning.
Remove from heat when it has thickened.
Adjust seasoning and add oil as a garnish.

Serve hot or cold.
Serve with crusty bread.

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