Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Homemade Meatloaf

I make the best meatloaf. Better than your moms. Oh yea, beef fest. (all of these recipes can certainly be substituted with turkey.)

I got my brilliant meatloaf idea that would set my meatloaf apart from other meatloafs was from the side of a box of frozen Mrs. T’s Pierogis. This Pierogi genius suggested stuffing meatloaf mix with several frozen ones.

Mixed with all my love, and you’ve got the best damn meatloaf eva!


1.25 (ish) pounds ground beef (or gross turkey)
½ - 3/4onion chopped
Three quirts (ish) of ketchup
Squirt or two (ish) of bbq sauce
Dashes of hot sauce
Fistful of cheddar cheese
One egg
Bread crumbs til mix firm ish but not dry
3-4 frozen pierogies

Combine all ingredients except pierogies. Mix all ingredients by hand.
Place meatloaf mixture in meatloaf pan around the pierogies.
Cook, covered with tinfoil at about 425 degrees for 40 or more minutes, til done.

I like my burnt, so I cook uncovered for the last ten minutes or so.

Cover with a glaze of mixed bbq sauce, hot sauce and ketchup!

Cooking tip: when using an egg in a recipe, crack the egg  in a separate bowl first. That way, if you get a bad egg, you don’t ruin a whole bowl of something you’ve made.

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